$45.00 to $2500.00 Custom Vacation painting and landscapes from photo. Pet painting from photo. Pamela specializes in flowers, birds, animals and landscapes. She paints custom paintings of your pets or vacation memories. All images on this site are watercolor paintings unless otherwise specified. They are owned and copyrighted by Pamela Shearer. Please request permission for their use. Shipping within the continental United States will be paid by purchaser. Email Pamela directly for paintings, prints and custom painting of your favorite photos at: paintingbypamela@cox.net Vibrant, original, award winning watercolor and oil paintings by Pamela Shearer. Original art work, prints, and cards for sale. Prices for originals $45.00 to $2500.00 . Limited Edition Prints are available of most paintings. |
Call Pamela 480- 628-2072
E-mail pamelshearer8@gmail.com Vibrant, original, award winning watercolor and oil paintings by Pamela Shearer. Original art work, prints, and cards for sale. Limited Edition Prints are available of most paintings and can be printed on watercolor paper, polished aluminum or canvas. Print Prices Framed 2 mats on watercolor paper $200 to $400 depending on size and piece. Oil on canvas $200.00 to $800.00 Metal print $150.00 t0 $500.00 Print on watercolor paper shipped in tube. $84.00 to $450.00 Print prices are based on size. (range is 5" x 7" to 40" x 60" or most images) Type of print Type of frame Type of surface Prints of Paintings Available as: